JRice Beauty Team

12+ Months Prior
10-12 Months Prior
6-9 Months Prior
Planner / Coordinator
Hair & Makeup
Cake / Desserts
DJ / Band
Knowing when to book each vendor can be a difficult decision to make. While you don't want to risk it by booking too early, you also don't want to inquire too late in case they are already booked. The above guide is a general idea of when to book different types of vendors, but there are always factors that can make those time frames change. Here are some things to keep in mind when starting to plan your wedding and looking at vendors...
Is my vendor popular?
Check your hoped vendor's social media pages and website. Do they have a lot of followers? Have they been featured in a lot of blogs, magazines and publications? Have they worked with anyone famous? How often are they posting new content?
Don't listen to your friends.
Friends are great, we love them and appreciate their advice. But every situation and every vendor is different, your friend may have gotten lucky and been able to book someone last minute (we consider last minute to be anything within 60 days of the Wedding date). But you may be looking at more high-demand vendors, or vendors with different requirements.
When in doubt, ASK US!
Shoot us an email, or send us a direct message on Instagram or Facebook. Vendors don't want to have to turn people away, it SUCKS to not be able to work with someone because you're already booked. Reach out to us asking how far in advance we're booking up, we'd happily let you know what our schedules are looking like.
Talk to your Coordinator
If you have a planner or day-of coordinator, reach out to them and ask their advice!